Jott Beta Review – Get Simple Back!

So i sent a request for an invite to Twitterfone, and mentioned it on Twitter. One of my buddies pointed out that Jott had the same functionality. I signed up and wow does it work good. I hate to see great services like Jott slip under my awesome website radar. Here is what Jott can do!

I signed up over the phone. I called the number so they could text my phone with a password i could use to login on the website. I went to Jott and entered the password, along with my cell phone number. It matched up, so they let me in and i could start Jotting. It was very easy to signed up, and i thought it was awesome how i didn’t have to be on the computer to do it.

With Jott, you can ‘Jott stuff down.’ You can create a ‘Jott’ in many different ways. You can use it to send an email to yourself, send text message reminders to yourself, create a to-do list, Jott to someone else or a group of contacts, and the best one – Jott to a link! Let me explain that more.

Jotting to a link means that you can use your cell phone to call in to Jott, and have it translate from voice to text to many different web services. You can Jott to your WordPress account, Twitter, Blogger, and you can create your own link to Jott to. Its incredible how you can voice blog right from your cell phone. Now i think Qik has that functionality, and i know Twitterfone has the Twitter functionality. So this is a combination of both, therefor its still awesome. Qik does have some ups, but thats another story.

Update – I meant Utterz. Maybe Qik does have that functionality then. Utterz has a lot of the same features that Jott has after looking at it. Utterz seems like an awesome service, and I’ve seen it put to good use many times from 1938media. Look to the next update for my experience with Utterz.

Update 2 – So i joined Utterz to see if i would prefer it over Jott, and i really do like the service, but they give you 10 minutes before they post it just in case you want to add video or pictures. Since i don’t post any pictures or videos, posting it right away would be more my thing. Unfortunately i can’t have that as an option. I’m going with Jott for sure when i want to post audio, and reminders.

Update 3 – I’m not going to compare Jott with Twitterfone because i don’t have an invite, but it seems that Twitterfone does the same exact thing as Jott. But what i have noticed on Twitter, is that Jott most of the time gets the speech-to-text correct, and with Twitterfone users i see a question mark all the time because it couldn’t recognize anything they were saying. So if you were to pick between the two, pick Jott because it works better and has a bunch more features then just Twitter.

I tested out the Jotting to Twitter so far because thats the reason i joined. I was looking for a site that could call into Twitter and translate to text, and post to my account. Now this feature is handled better than i thought. When you call in and Jott to Twitter, included in the Tweet is a link. In that link holds the text of your Jott, and a small audio icon. Jott records your Tweet audio. You can click on the icon and play the audio recorded via phone. I thought that was awesome. People get to hear your voice.

Jott is also very organized. Its very good at organizing your Jotts as well. On the front page when your logged in, their is a list of all your Jotts. What i thought was worth talking about on this subject was that you can set the priority of your reminders, cross them out if you don’t need to be reminded anymore, and you can set alerts for each Jott. You are able to schedule another reminder for each Jott that you create.

You can Jott from your phone, or just Jott on the web. So you can set reminders without having to use the phone, or you can set reminders without having to be on the computer. Either way, its a fantastic service, and i recommend that everyone use it. Thanks to buddies on Twitter, i was able to find this great tool that i will probably use all the time. Having a formal way of setting reminders for myself besides just writing stuff down in text-edit i think, is pretty damn cool.

Listen To My Test Jott | View My Test Jott To Twitter

Do you prefer Utterz or Jott if you have tried them both?

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